Traffic Engines

Advertising services that generates happy customers.

Welcome to our little integrity corner of the internet…

A place where ambitious, fiercely empathetic entrepreneurs come to advertise in a completely different way.

I help businesses that are tired of getting burned by the average ad agency that sells you cheap leads, lock you into months long contracts, and disappear as quickly as they came.

Tired of spending money without any results in your marketing.

But above all, I help business owners that are tired of having to market online with the same sleazy, soul sucking, sell at all costs mentality that plagues most of the business industry.

This is a place where people that believe in treating people with empathy and respect, and creating value before money changes hands, exist.

Here, we don’t advertise to numbers but to your future customers.

Here, we advertise online the same way you would treat someone in person.

Here, you will find a trusted partner for your marketing that will help you grow without losing your integrity.

If this sounds like the right type of marketing for you, welcome.

We’ve been waiting for you.

Let’s redefine what effective advertising looks like—together.

I see you, and I hear you

Having a business is incredibly hard.

Putting in long hours that spill over into your weekends and eat into your personal time. 

Wearing ALL the hats as you navigate the ups and downs of entrepreneurship alone.

Desperately trying to escape the “time-for-money-cycle” and reclaim the passion that inspired you to start your business in the first place.

All while wondering how in the hell you’re supposed to hit your goal of financial freedom without hiring a massive team, investing a ton of money or facing serious burnout.

It’s an uphill battle all the way through.

Which is why I designed my ad services to be completely different from most people and cater to the few entrepreneurs that feel the way I do about integrity in business.

Because I’ve been there…

I’m Jiun (pronounced like June). I’m a creative professional, marketer, and business owner who is 100% responsible for the stability and growth of my business.

I’ve faced the same professional challenges you have, and I’m certain we have shared similar struggles.

I’ve been lied to, sold to, and felt deeply frustrated with many of the tactics that certain individuals who call themselves marketers resort to for their own benefit.

My goal is to help businesses like yours not go through the same mistakes most of us have, and finally feel like there’s someone you can trust in.

Someone that will have your best interest at heart and tell you how things are and how they work.

No hidden agendas, no ulterior motives.

Just value through years of experience, and the goal of growing your business the best way I know how.

3 ways average ad agencies get it wrong

Focus on quantity over quality

One of the biggest problems with average agencies is their focus on the wrong thing. Most agencies advertise to get as many views and clicks as possible, because more means higher chance of converting in their books.

So businesses need to spend as much as possible if they want any results.

There’s no incentive to actually plan and create advertising that focuses the budget to reduce clicks but increase quality. Advertise to the right audience, the ones that will actually buy from you. The ones you can make into happy customers.

Work in shadows

Most marketers and agencies keep their knowledge under wraps. I assume because it makes it easier to make up excuses when things don’t work.

They never explain reports, never tell you what they worked on and billed you for that month, or if there’s anyone working in your account at all.

Average marketers like to explain why they’re awesome and why you should give them money, but never how the marketing portion actually works for your benefit.

Little care about results

Many ad agencies claim they can’t guarantee results, which is fair because you can’t, but they never guarantee that they’ll try to get results at all.

I see most agencies take that no guarantee to mean they don’t have to work to help business at all, and simply pocket as much as they can before the business gets angry enough to leave and goes somewhere else.

In their eyes, you’re just a number. One of many. So why should they care?

How advertising should be

I prefer the alternative.

Go against the grain and actually care about the people I work with.

Work together and generate results. Because that’s the best way for us both to grow.

The reality is that what most people want out of advertising is clients or sales.

And that only happens AFTER someone clicks an ad.

That’s where the real work is – what happens after the ads is what matters.

The after is what I like to call a marketing experience.

A world that people can explore and takes them through the different stages of awareness.

stages of awareness

You’ve probably seen or at least heard of this before.

Different stages that signal how much information someone about your business which relates to how close they are in the buying process.

I find it overly complicated.

The underlying point of the different stages of awareness is actually a much simpler concept.

Have a conversation with someone.

A human one, as if you were talking to them face to face.

Take people through the basic necessities before offering your services.

That’s a marketing experience.

The ability to take someone from not knowing you, to knowing you, liking you, trusting you, until they are ready to buy.

Marketing, in essence, is a relationship building exercise.

And Google or Meta ads are part of the initial conversation of “hi, how are you doing today?” and saying something so they don’t lose interest and walk away.

Advertising should be thought of as part of the entire funnel, the entire experience.

Instead of building a page on your website about your new service, randomly posting on social media, and then trying to advertise, you should plan first who is this service for.

Where is this audience coming from, what kind of info are they looking for before creating your offer. So that the entire experience/ conversation feels right.

So the stranger feels compelled to become a customer.

That’s the main difference between what I do and what most agencies do.

I don’t simply look at the advertising, I help businesses convert the traffic you’re paying for.

Whether it’s through your website only, or an entire journey built with email automation, social media, workshops, zoom calls, etc.

I help businesses build the experience your audience needs in order to become a client.

Advertising services that feel more… human

I specifically designed my services to go against the grain of average marketers:

  • I don’t send automated reports – I create reports that tells you what I did last month, how it went and how many conversions it brought, and what I’m planning to do next month.
  • I don’t hold your hand to the fire – I don’t lock people into long contracts. I work with you as long as you believe in the process and trust in quality instead of quantity.
  • I work as a partnership – We are both involved in creating the best marketing we can for your business. Growth through consistent communication and honesty, coupled with our hard work and passion.

You get someone on your corner. A marketer willing to improve on your ads, on your experiences, to achieve the level of growth you’re looking for.

Not just set it and forget it.

You get a person willing to fight through the noise alongside you.

A more personal, human approach to marketing.

If this resonates with you, welcome to our little world of better advertising.

I can’t wait to learn about you and your business.

Ready to Start Attracting Clients Who Love What You Do?

Book a free strategy session with no strings attached. We will go through your marketing, and devise a plan to kick start your advertising journey effectively.

Jiun Liao - Marketing Consultant Orillia - Lobo Media Marketing

Hey, it means a lot that you made it all the way through. I’ve been in marketing for almost 10 years now helping businesses attracts happy clients. Let’s create magic together!

jiun liao marketing consultant orillia