Hi, I’m Jiun.
(pronounced like June)
When I was in high school I was always the person friends and acquaintances talked to and asked for advice.
I don’t know why, but it seemed to catch on as people that I barely knew would come to me and ask me about their troubles during recess.
I would relay this information to the school counsellor and bring back solutions as best I understood them.
When it was time for me to go to university, I was on the fence on whether I wanted to go at all.
My high school counsellor pushed me to go through it and choose psychology as my degree saying I would be good at it.
I guess you could say I’ve always been fascinated by how people think and how people solve problems.
After leaving Acadia University in Nova Scotia, I entered the workforce and felt completely lost.
Nothing in university prepared me for the real world, and I felt like everything I learned was not useful when not in the context of psychology.
I roamed around aimlessly, moved to Ecuador with my fiancé now wife, and moved back to Canada when we had our first child.
I happened to start an online business on a whim, an online toy store that sold STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) toys.
That’s when my whole world changed.
The toy store really didn’t become what you would call a success, but boy did I learn from it.
Every second I could, I would sit in front of the computer and learned about this word I had never understood before, marketing.
It was a giant puzzle, and I just happen to love puzzles.
Every single thing I would try would fail, and I would go back and learn some more until I learned to fail in a different way.
Every single step allowed me to understand how Google worked, how Facebook worked, and most importantly, how to attract clients.
My Marketing Fascination
I couldn’t really tell you at the time why I was enthralled by marketing, but I couldn’t get enough of it.
Looking back now I understand why, and it took me the better part of ten years to figure it out.
Marketing for me was a window into who people are and how they make decisions.
It was something that was connected deeply with psychology.
Pretty colours and fancy websites was not the point for me, it was about what made people tick.
I wanted to understand why people would love some things and not others, and I wanted to help the ones that felt lost find their solution.
Marketing felt like an industry about understanding humans, but as I started working in corporate marketing, nothing felt further from that.
We were always rushing, trying to make the most money, trying to make things look pretty.
There was no mention about whether people would like this, it was more about whether it would get people to buy it.
It never felt right for me… I always felt like marketing was more than what they thought.
In 2018 I made the terrifying decision to start my own marketing company, Lobo Media Marketing, and leave corporate marketing behind.
As terrifying as it was to do this with a young family, something in the back of my head kept telling me I was in the wrong place.
Thankfully I had the full support of my family and was able to begin my journey to uncovering what I believed was the truth behind marketing.
So my marketing style was born, ethical marketing.
Ethical Marketing
Sitting here in 2024 as I write this, I believe this is a journey that I will never finish.
There will always be something more to learn and uncover about how people work.
We are all unique beings and deserve to buy products and services in a way that feels comfortable and provide the best solution for you.
I’ve been honing my style of marketing for almost 10 years now, using my interest in research around psychology and neuroscience, and listening intently to the world.
I’ve come to the conclusion that marketing is a creative act.
It’s a tool to get people to feel something for a product or a service.
In a similar way that film makers and actors work towards making you feel something about the story they’re trying to tell.
Marketing is the business equivalent to artistry.
Sales is about selling.
Marketing is about taking your audience on a journey, a story, that allows them to understand the point of the product and pulls them in to learn more.
A story that has an impact and stays with you, so you remember the brand or the product.
So by the time you are ready to buy, the best solution is obvious.
Marketing is storytelling, creativity, and human connection.
Coercing, lying, and cheating someone to buy your stuff makes no sense. That’s for corporations with shareholders that need to grow at all costs.
The costs just always ends up being the company’s ethics and values…
The real point of marketing is quite the opposite.
It’s love.
To have business owners that love to help their customers, create marketing their audience can fall in love with, and build a mutually beneficial community that helps each other over the long term.
Marketing has NOTHING to do with selling.
Love people, and the selling will take care of itself.
This is why I call it ethical marketing.
So glad to have you here. If you want to know more about my style of marketing, sign up to my email list, Growing Better.
In there, I provide free strategies and insights to grow your business.
Or if you want to know more about how I use my approach to help businesses with their marketing, head over to my services page.