The Business of Creativity: A Blueprint for Entrepreneurs to Grow, Build, and Stand Out

When you hear the word “creative”, we immediately associate it with Picasso, Mozart, Shakespeare, the Beatles.

Creativity is something reserved for painters, musicians, film makers, etc.

People who are born with an artistic gift that can come up with original, game changing, creative ideas.

But for normal people like you and I, creativity doesn’t feel like something we have or should even do.

Creativity doesn’t feel like an effective use of our time, especially in business.

Business is a rigid industry.

We are simply too busy trying to keep up with the day to day workload, attending to clients and employees, and making sure we are capturing all the data we need so we can systemize getting more clients.

But whether we’re aware of it or not, creativity is essential for the growth of our business.

Even though nobody talks about it, we use creativity every single day.

To come up with marketing campaigns, solve problems within our organization, figure out the best way talk to customers and prospects.

On top of that, we use creativity to try and stand out.

We pay for the ability to have a good looking website, a great logo. We hire ad agencies to create ads, videos, and commercials to help us sell our products.

Even though creativity is normally associated with art, humans use creativity for everything, including business.

It’s how we’re wired.

And it’s the same reason why you might feel stuck in your business.

You’ve been able to figure out how to work on your business except for the creative portions like how to attract clients you’ve never met, or how to be different from the thousands of businesses selling the same things you do.

But how often do we try to learn about creativity, or try to improve our creative skills?

That is the reason why I created this guide.

To teach entrepreneurs how creativity may be the missing piece you’ve been searching all along to grow your business.

After almost 10 years being a marketing consultant, it dawned on me that most issues businesses look to solve for their marketing isn’t really about how tools work, but about how people work.

How their business can relate to their audience, their customers, in a more comprehensive way.

A way that feels like you, in a way that showcases your value.

To learn how to grow your business through the lens of creativity.

To zig when others zag.

What Bernadette Jiwa calls story driven companies instead of competition driven ones. You’ll understand what I mean better as you read through the guide.

I’ve broken down this guide into three parts. Each part of this guide builds on the former and sets the stage for the next. So read the parts in sequence, as a serial.

Go to Part I: The Nature of Creativity…

I hope this resonates with you, and if so, welcome home.

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